Hey everyone. I wanted to take a minute to apologize for the lack of updates on the website. The website is still active but lack of time makes it difficult to make regular updates. I do still frequent our facebook page and I have enlisted the help of 2 guys to help out with posting there.
The Bradley GT2 Kit Car build is still getting done. I wish I had a big update about it but I do not. Chassis is all done, engine is done, etc. I have had a bit of issue getting it to stay running but I believe its just a simple problem. Could be the carb (has been rebuilt) could be timing, could be just about anything lol
I hope to be able to start freeing up a bit of time and get back on track with updates very soon. I hope everyone has enjoyed the summer and those of you who are getting ready to pack your kit car away for the winter, Im Sorry hahahah.
Take Care