You have got to check out this Super Rare Sterling Cambria Kit Car for Sale! It is so rare that I have never heard of a Sterling Cambria. The ad really does not give much info on this Super Rare Sterling Cambria Kit Car for Sale but here is what it does say….

I have a sterling cambria kit car for sale or trade? This car has a Ford engine 4 cylinder motor. This car is definitely a head turner. I would be willing to trade for another toy or a car,truck. If interested call

Now with the funny stuff out of the way most of our readers know that while this is one of the many “variations” of the sterling this is a Cimbria Kit Car and was sold by Amore Cars Inc. As the seller says this particular car has a 4cyl Ford engine. It is hard to tell what it is but I will guess its a Pinto engine.

As a side note there was several variations of this kit car made by a few manufactures, as well as a few from the UK.

This Cimbria for sale appears to be in decent shape, but its hard to tell much of anything from low quality photos( or photos of any kind) The seller is asking $5000 for this kit car. What do you all think? Is it worth the money, way off, or just a little off? What would you pay?

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