This is an Artero Kit Car that was “designed” by PISA . What this is NOT is a Lamborghini Kit Car as the seller describes in his ad. Consider this what would happen if a Diablo had a spawn with a passenger car, and then that passenger car go involved in inbreeding. Im pretty sure this is what would happen. This seller feels his car is worth $10,500 but as we all know the seller has VERY high expectations. This is all the info that is in the ad…

I have a Lamborghini Diablo kit car it has a Pontiac fiaro engine v6 it runs and drive the reason Iam salling because Iam not driving it anymore i had it for 7 years! If u need more information give a call

Im going to take a wild guess and say that this isĀ  case of the seller really not wanting to get rid of it and the car will end up on craigslist and other places for some time to come.

What do you think this one is worth? Me personally $3000-5000 TOPS assuming it is in great shape inside and out. It can be seen here